Rooftop groceries, setting the table, drinking alone, and a salty spread making its comeback.
Up first, there's an IGA grocery store in Quebec that is growing produce on its roof and selling it in store! It's a brilliant innovation, encouraged by some municipal legislation, and they've reported a 50% increase in produce sales from 2017-18 as a result. We love it love it love it!
Then, can table cloths make food taste better? The answer, you might guess, is of course! We dive into choosing the right tablecloth for the right meal.
Do you feel guilty drinking alone in a pub? Mirella gives you some new excuses to get out there - by yourself.
Finally, Marmite is making a comeback and is more visible than ever. Joshna shares some delicious Marmite treats that might just convert those weary of the of this often polarizing spread.