Welcome to Season 2 of Hot Plate: a post-foodie podcast! We're celebrating Valentine's Day by talking about sexy foods, about drinks potentially making things sexy, and with a guided sensual chocolate tasting.
Aphrodisiacs people! It's that time of year! Do foods actually raise or encourage sexual desire? Or, are we building arousal by eating in a certain context? Mirella and Joshna dive into the long list of unusual foods considered to be aphrodisiacs around the world. Chickpeas anyone!?
Next, we look at the oh-so-Valentine's Day-appropriate topic of: Beer Goggles. As a species, we are devoting tremendous resources to understanding why people look better (or worse) when we're drinking beer. If you're interested in our sources, check out this study, this other study, yet another study, oh yet another study, and… you guessed it… one more study!
Finally, we welcome our extra special guest - 'extra special' because she brought us about a pound of the best chocolate in Toronto - Chocolatier Sharon Shoot of Chocolate by Wickerhead. She guides us through a Valentine's Day tasting and shares her invaluable insights into working with chocolate. Her chocolate is still speaking to us hours later!