No good times in Toronto

Toronto Brews Exhibit with Wayne Reeves, what makes a great sandwich, and bubbles in beer.

Mirella and Joshna welcome Wayne Reeves, Chief Curator of Museums and Heritage Services for the City of Toronto and curator of the upcoming “Toronto Brews: Two Centuries of Beer Culture in the City.” Toronto’s historic  relationship to beer fascinating, but we also wonder if this is part of a growing interest in documenting the history happening right now. The Smithsonian is now documenting the craft beer movement, recognizing its current historical importance, and Toronto is certainly taking steps to acknowledge its long history of brewing.

Then, OH MY do we have opinions about sandwiches or what! Toronto Life released its Bread Winners list sandwiches, which begs the questions “what makes a great sammy?” and “how far exactly should Joshna spread the contents of the Sammy?” How do we really feel about dry corners?

Finally, despite a personal interest in all things bubble tea and tapioca, Mirella rails against the new Tapioca Beer trend popping up in Japan and in LA. She’s dreading the day it sweeps Canada, but Joshna can’t wait!

Non-drinkers who like to drink

Drinks writer Sarah Parniak on Seedlip, an electric tongue that can do your tasting for you, dehumanizing drinkers, and #curiouskitchen.

Sarah Parniak, drinks writer, former bartender, and Canadian Brand Ambassador for non-alcoholic distilled spirit Seedlip, joins us to talk about the rise of NA (non-alcoholic) cocktails. Is there a growing movement of non-drinkers? Why are they spending time in bars “not drinking”? Sarah helps us unravel this growing group and understand the opportunities it’s creating. Then, we muse about an E-tongue. Are tasting robots going to replace professional tasters? We’re excited to learn more about our future robot executive chefs…

Apparently both men and women dehumanize women as they drink, according to a thoroughly depressing new study. Naturally we find it upsetting, though the study was conducted with beer, which has long suffered from certain connotations. We’ll hear more about its history in an upcoming episode.

Finally, on #curiouskitchen, we  taste test the wonderful and unconventional Italian treat, Lupini Beans!

Get up early, hang with farmers

Get up early, hang with farmers

Cookie Roscoe on making farmers’ markets part of your routine, next level ice cream, the winning formula for breweries, and our first live #blindbeerdate ends badly!

Farmers’ markets manager and Queen’s Diamond Jubilee recipient Cookie Roscoe joins us to talk about all things farmers markets. How can we work markets into our busy schedules? What should we expect to get and why are they popping up all over? Getting up early on a Saturday has never sounded so good!

As the summer heat approaches ice cream season sets in. Mirella and Joshna review a few next-level flavours and  reminisce about the one that got away. This season’s trend is taking us towards really savoury, complex ice cream. What makes ice cream such a great canvas for flavour?

Then, if producing an ongoing rotation of sour, hazy and quirky beers is a winning formula, why are so few new breweries using that model?

Finally, a #blindbeerdate where really we should have just quite while we were ahead.